Communiqué de presse : Daymak lance une campagne de crowdfunding pour la Spiritus Car sur www.daymakavvenire.com
| Marketing Team
TORONTO, March 23, 2021 - Daymak is pleased to announce it has launched its campaign for the Daymak Spirtus Electric car. The goal is to reach 50,000 pre-orders through retail sales and letters of intent from distributors worldwide.
The Spiritus is a 3 wheel 2 seater electric car which rides like a go kart and is loaded with technology. This car is for people who want more. Every ride on the Spiritus will be an exciting one. Deposits can be made online at www.daymakavvenire.com.
The Campaign will start today, March 23, 2021, and will end July 23, 2021. By placing your order online now you will lock in your price and save the additional cost from the final SRP price. The car is slated to start production in 2023.
The Spiritus is a complete two-seat coupe and comes packed with a host of features. There are solar panels for trickle charging, a regeneration system, and Daymak’s own patent pending wireless charger. The Spiritus comes in a Deluxe version starting at $19,995 USD with a range of 300km and an Ultimate version starting at $149,000 USD with a range of 480km and acceleration of 0 to 60 in 1.8 seconds, making it the fastest 3 wheel car on the planet.
“This is very exciting,” states Aldo Baiocchi, President and founder of Daymak Inc. “Daymak has come a long way from when I started in my garage in 2001. The Spiritus is a dream come true.” The Campaign will have real time updated numbers and will end July 23, 2021.
“Every $100 deposit or more will guarantee you a lower price for your car” continues Mr. Baiocchi, “and will include a bonus $100 coupon towards any ebike or small electric vehicle that we sell now through any of our dealers. This is only available through the crowdfunding campaign. We are building strong partnerships and have thrilling news coming out. Anything is possible with the help of the crowd and our partners.”
L'un de nos partenaires est Extreme Vehicle Tech (CSE : ACDC) qui fournira aux batteries au lithium des cartes BMS personnalisées spécialement conçues pour le Spiritus.
La série Daymak Avvenire comprend cinq autres véhicules individuels. Ce sont : Terra, un vélo électrique conçu pour gérer à la fois sur route et hors route -l'état des routes ; Foras, un vélo couché couvert conçu pour révolutionner les déplacements ; Tectus, un e-scooter de mobilité AWD entièrement électrique et conçu pour tous les types de conditions météorologiques et de routes ; Aspero, l'ultime VTT léger et fermé ; et enfin Skyrider, un véhicule électrique performant capable de voler. >
À propos de Daymak
Daymak, une société basée à Toronto constituée en 2002, est un chef de file dans le développement et la distribution de véhicules électriques légers personnels. Chez Daymak, notre objectif est de fabriquer des véhicules propres exceptionnels qui ont un impact positif sur l'environnement pour les générations actuelles et futures. Nous construisons nos véhicules pour donner la liberté de mouvement et sont un plaisir à conduire.
Contact médias : Yoni Erawati (yoni@daymak.com)
Distribution : Nick Maloouf (nick@daymak.com)
Relations avec les investisseurs : Aldo Baiocchi
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