A neat trick to help make sure your electric bike / mobility scooter stays charged all winter!
| Akili Sylvester
Hey everyone,
One of the biggest hurdles most people face when it comes to owning an electric vehicle is what to do with it when you are not using it for a long period of time. I am personally kind of a wimp and I don’t know if you have experienced Canadian winters, but I for one rather be indoors when it snows!
Daymak Boomerbuggy X Covered Mobility Scooter
Anyways getting back on topic, by now you should have heard from either an Ebike Universe sales representative, on the internet or through the grapevine that you should be periodically charging your bike even when you don’t use it to prevent it from going completely flat.
Well, that’s ABSOLUTELY true.
So with that in mind, we got a cool trick to help make sure your mobility scooter or electric bike battery lasts right through the winter or your epic vacation backpacking through Europe even when you’re not using it!
Without further ado, we recommend getting a smart plug for the outlet where you charge your battery! What this does is as long as your outlet is in an area where it can connect to Wi-Fi you can connect the outlet to your smartphone and turn it off and on from wherever you are.
So if you have an electric vehicle up north, all you need to do is set up your smart plug (takes maybe half an hour to do at most if you are a little bit tech-savvy) plug the charger into the bike, and plug the other end into the smart plug.
From there you can turn on and off the smart plug from your phone for a couple of hours each week without having to go out to your bike!
**IMPORTANT** If you do this you must MAKE UNEQUIVOCALLY sure that you turn it off after charging it for a few hours. Overcharging it can swell the batteries or even cause a fire!
Depending on which model of smart plug you get you can set schedules, and if you have an Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Apple Home, you can say “Hey Google charge my e-bike” (or whatever your smart device responds to) which I must say is pretty damn cool.
You can get a very inexpensive and great functioning smart plug from Kasa off Amazon
So only use this trick if you are going to be 100% sure you are going to make sure the plug is turned off after a short period of charging.
Remember with great power comes great responsibility!
Shop: Daymak Boomer Beast 2
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