Rain, Snow, Sleet And The Summer's Extreme Heat: Weather Conditions And Your Ebike
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Snow, rain, sleet and the summer’s extreme heat: Whether you love the change of seasons or not, you’ll likely have to be dealing with some type of extreme temperature no matter where you are living.
Human’s can bundle up to stay warm, or strip down to cool off, but what about your electric vehicle? How does it fair in rougher weather?
Yes! Tell Me How To Handle All These Weather Conditions!

Let’s start off easy: Rain.
You can ride your Ebike with confidence in the rain. You don’t have to worry about getting shocked, or exposing yourself to any electric-and-water related danger. Ebikes are constructed with rainy conditions in mind, and their essential parts will be completely waterproof.
While you don’t need to worry about your Ebike in the rain, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared in the raining weather.
The best way to handle the rainy conditions is to waterproof yourself.
Rainproof attire will ensure you have a safe and comfortable ride. This might seem basic, but you’d be surprised how much small weatherproofing additions can impact the quality and safety of your ride.
Think of it this way- your Ebike will be safe in the rain, and most likely so will you. But you’re not going to have a great time if you are getting soaked, if your handlebars and seat are slippery and if the rain is stinging your eyes.
That’s why a good quality raincoat, water resistant gloves with grips, and waterproof glasses or a helmet with an extended visor would be a great addition to your ride.
You can find compact portable items that can easily be added to a riders’ go-to list of essentials.

Picture credit: WayAllen
Rain- Got It. What About Snow?
Let’s talk next about Snow. This is a major one for those in wintry climates.
The first factor to consider for your bike in winter are the tires. Can your bike support fat tires? (Don’t know what those are? Check out our video on tires!) Suffice to say, your tires are the feet of your bike. If you’re traversing through icy and snowy streets- you’d rather be in boots than running shoes.
So look into Snow tires for your bike. These tires will be designed with more grip and traction to help you keep control of your bike in wet and slushy conditions. If Snow tires aren’t a good option for you, you can also consider Fat Tires. Fat Tire bikes are a blast to ride in winter, especially if you’re looking to tackle snow-filled trails
Next, make sure the technical aspects of your bike are up to date. Recently checked brakes, and a full battery will be a mark in your favor in difficult weather.
With winter bringing earlier darkness, make sure your bike has reflectors, and functioning front and rear lights. Consider a coat with reflectors as well.
And while we are on the topic of attire, dress warm. Warmer than you might think you need to! Lower temperatures, coupled with darker conditions and additional wind chill from biking can quickly lead to uncomfortable levels of cold. Quality gloves, insulated coats and hats secured safely under your helmet are all ways to ensure you will stay protected as well as warm.
Oh, and sunglasses. While they might not seem like a winter accessory, the suns’ reflection on the snow can create temporary sun-blindness. Snow and sleet can also create visual distortion as well as making the road difficult to see.
If the path or street you are riding on is hilly or dense with unclear snow, you will want to keep an eye on your range, as it may dip faster than anticipated as the motor may be working harder to accommodate the more difficult conditions.
Ultimately, safety is always first. If there are dangerous driving conditions reported publicly, use your best judgement and always err on the side of caution.
While we are on the topic of your Ebike and the colder weather, you will want to consider charging your bike indoors during the colder months. It’s advisable to store and charge your bike in temperature no lower than 0 degrees Celsius (32 Degree Fahrenheit). A room temperature battery will lead to better performance in colder weather, than one that starts when it is cold.
Things are a little bit different when we are talking about Extreme heat- let’s check that out next.
Now Wait...What About Extreme Heat?
Warm weather is some of the best time to enjoy the outdoors with your electric bike. But you’ll want to keep an eye on your E Bike in times of intense heat.
It’s advisable to not to charge a battery in temperatures above 45 degrees celsius (or a 113 degrees fahrenheit). In very high heat, a battery can react negatively, leading to poorer performance, or, in extreme cases, a risk of fire.
If you live in an environment that frequently experiences hotter weather, you may want to consider charging your bike inside, or in a more moderate climate.
Biking safely in hot weather does require some additional planning- let’s talk about that.
Sun protection:
- It might seem obvious, but sunscreen, helmets with visors, and sunglasses are advisable when riding in the sun. Sunglasses are great if you are biking into the sun, but also help reduce the potential for light-blindness on very bright days.
- The breeze you feel from propelling your bike might make it harder to recognize how much sun you are actually getting- but exposed screens can still burn, even if you “feel” coolled by the wind.
- Remember to reapply sunscreen frequently- especially if you are sweating!
- Consider a headband, to avoid getting sweat or sunscreen in your eyes while biking!
- Water is always a great option for hydration, but if you are sweating heavily when biking due to the intensity of your ride, or additional heat, you may want to consider a drink that contains electrolytes.You lose Electrolytes through your sweat, and water alone will may not replace them.
The Time You Ride
- If you’re riding your Ebike for pleasure, consider timing your ride around the hottest parts of the day, when the sun’s UV rays is highest. This means Biking in the morning, between sunrise and 11am, or in the evening, after 5pm.
- For those who use their bikes for a daily commute to work or school, you may already be biking in these preferred hours.
With these tips and tricks, you’ll be sure to have a safe, comfortable and protected ride, no matter what the conditions are!
Still Looking For More?
We hope this article will help as you gear up to ride your Ebike in all types of weather! Have tip you’d like to share? Drop us a line and let us know!
While we always do our own research for our videos, we’d like to give a shout out to epic cycle, eBikes HQ and ebike-Europe for being a great resources for this video- and we’ve linked their websites in our notes below so you can check them out too!
If you want to find out more about our products, or hear more about Light Electric Vehicles in general, you can check us out online or on our YouTube channel. We drop new videos all the time. Have a topic you’d like us to cover, or a question you’d like to ask? We’d love to hear from you! Until then- stay electric.
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