5 Unique Ways Electric Bikes Are Good For The Environment
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It’s no secret that light electric vehicles are good for the environment. When you choose an electric transport option- such as an electric scooter or electric bike, instead of a fossil-fuel driven option, you are taking that fossil-fuel option off the road, and thus, saving on emissions. But is that the ONLY way LEVs are good for the environment? As it turns out there are a lot of other ways, both direct and indirect that LEVs support a cleaner, greener future. Let’s find out more.

Reduction In Transit Related Greenhouse Gases
Fossil-Fuel based transportation remains one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. The United States Environmental protection Agency reported that the transportation sectors was responsible for roughly 28% of GHG Emissions in 2018. Yet, every time you choose an LEV, like an eBike or eScooter instead of an option powered by traditional fossil fuel, you are reducing that number. In short- an electric transportation option is one of the clearest and most direct actionable choices an individual can make to affect climate change.
Driving The Economy Into A Greener Future
On the note of public choices, we must not forget that mass societal changes drive the economy. The more people using electric transportation options, the higher the demand for them. This demand is driving the technological innovation of the future. The more interest, time, and resources going into light electric vehicles, the more our society turns, as a whole, towards the green industry as a way of the future.
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Lower Production Emissions
Light electric vehicles still require care, maintenance and part replacement on an on-going basis. However the care and upkeep required for more traditional modes of transportation such as gas-powered cars vastly out strips the care needed for an LEV.
The industry supporting traditional transportation means produces greater pollution and waste than that of the LEV industry. This is partially driven by the scale of materials required for cars versus items like eBikes and eScooters, coupled with a general consumerist push to obtain larger, bigger “higher-value” automotives.
Reduced Need For Pavement and Infrastructure
The more individuals buying and operating cars, the greater wear and tear on roads, highways, bridges- the list goes on. Infrastructure costs for maintenance and repair of such resources from communities on multiple levels. From the large scale federal budgets, to local communities struggling to fill dangerous potholes- the more we use cars, the more need to create concrete, pavement, and other materials that drive deforestation and lower ecological diversity.
We may be decades or even generations away from removing all cars, community and industrial transportation options that are reliant on roads but that doesn’t mean we cannot reduce our environmental impact on these social structures. Every time to replace a trip we would have taken with a car, with a trip taken with an LEV, we are leaving a lighter footprint on our planet. Over time, this gradual transition will increase the lifespan of our infrastructure. Streets with less wear and tear can last longer. And what comes in to replace them? Sidewalks, specialty micro-mobility lanes or even trails can get you to the same destination- with less negative effect on the planet.
Reduced Long-Term Health Care Costs
It might not be first to our minds when we think of LEVs, but utilizing a transportation option that also provides a form of physical activity pays substantial dividends to both the individuals and the community at large. Lifestyle illnesses, by which we mean illnesses largely exacerbated by or caused by an inactive lifestyle or poor diet have a long-term effect on health, wellness, and of course, and lifespan. What many may not initially realize is the long-term load carried by the medical industry overtime due to these issues.
Yet by making choices to keep us active and healthy, such as getting moderate regular exercise, can reduce reliance on medications, and additional medical support. The longer medical care is delayed to later in life, the less load is carried by the healthcare system. The less load that the healthcare system is required to carry, the greater the reduction in costs, materials and various resources that all affect our climate, ecology, and the health of the planet.
We hope this unique look at LEV’s and their effect on the environment has helped you when you’re looking at your next transportation choice. Cars are still necessary in many areas of society, but every electric transit option to you propels the world into a greener state of living. Actions like these can have long lasting effects on the planet long after we are gone.
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